There are 2 types of adjustments on Shift screen:
- “Add” adjustment: Deposit Cash to register.
- “Remove” adjustment: Withdraw Cash from the register.
To create an adjustment, please follow these steps:
Open “Shift” page.
Make sure a shift is opened.
Click on MORE –> ADJUST. A popup for adjustment will appear.
Select radio “Add“, input adjustment amount and Note to create a Deposit.
Select radio “Remove“, input adjustment amount and Note to create a Withdraw.

Click “Done” to create adjustment, “Cancel” to close the popup.
After creating an adjustment, it will be shown in “Shift Activities” list:
– For “Add” adjustment, a green circle will be shown next to “Cash In“.
– For “Remove” adjustment, a red circle will be shown next to “Cash Out“.

Additionally, there are some automatic adjustments:
Sales using Cash will be shown as “Cash In” adjustment. Special payment methods or Dummy Payment won’t be shown.
“Change” amount from overpaid order will be shown as “Cash Out” adjustment.”Refund” payment via “Cash” will be shown as “Cash Out” adjustment.