Take A Look At This Top 10 POS For Popup Shops ConnectPOS Content Creator September 6, 2023

Take A Look At This Top 10 POS For Popup Shops

POS for popup shops

Pop-up shops are making a significant mark in the retail industry, with over 80% of global retailers recognizing them as a sound investment. As competition intensifies, it’s essential for these temporary stores to optimize their operations. A tailored POS system can transform the pop-up experience, offering a streamlined checkout that’s quick and efficient. Here, we introduce the top 10 POS for pop-up shops, which can provide them with the competitive edge needed to enhance sales and profitability.

Benefits of POS for Popup Shops

Popup shops, by their very nature, are agile and temporary retail spaces that offer customers a unique, immersive shopping experience. In such a dynamic environment, a Point of Sale (POS) system plays a pivotal role in driving success for several reasons:

  • Mobility: Popup shops often operate on-the-go, which means they need a POS system that is just as mobile and flexible as they are. A POS system designed for popup shops is usually cloud-based and can be accessed from various devices like tablets and smartphones, ensuring sales can be made anywhere within the shop or at outdoor venues.
  • Speed: Popup shops typically experience bursts of customer traffic, coinciding with events or peak shopping seasons. A POS system for popup shops is optimized for quick setup and fast transaction processing, allowing retailers to capitalize on high foot traffic without causing delays or long lines.
  • Inventory management: Even though popup shops may have a smaller inventory than permanent stores, they still need to manage it effectively. A POS system can track inventory in real-time, helping to prevent stockouts or overstocking, which is crucial for the limited duration of a popup shop.
  • Payment flexibility: Today’s consumers expect a variety of payment options. A good POS for popup shops can process multiple forms of payment, including cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payments, accommodating customer preferences and facilitating smoother transactions.
  • Data insights: Popup shops need to quickly understand their customers and sales patterns to make real-time business decisions. A POS system can provide valuable data analytics and reporting features that offer insights into best-selling items, peak sales hours, and customer buying behavior.
  • Customer experience: A seamless checkout process is vital for maintaining the popup shop’s allure. A POS system can help create a positive customer experience by minimizing wait times and allowing for customer engagement and personalized service during checkout.
  • Scalability: As popup shops grow or change concepts, they need a POS system to scale their business. The right POS system can adapt to new products, additional locations, and increased transaction volumes without significant changes or new installations.
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Features to Look For in POS for Popup Shops

POS systems tailored for popup shops need to excel in areas where traditional POS solutions may fall short, given the unique demands of transient retail. Here are the distinct features you should seek in a popup shop-ready POS system:

  • Omnichannel support: Unlike traditional POS systems, which may only cater to a single sales channel, popup shop POS must facilitate a cohesive data flow across multiple channels. This is imperative to deliver a consistent retail experience, whether customers engage online or face-to-face in your pop-up space.
  • Customer self-checkout: Speed is of the essence in a popup shop, and with a significant portion of shoppers—33%—expecting swift self-checkout options, a POS system that streamlines this process is invaluable. Advanced POS systems offer self-checkout features that can also integrate loyalty programs, enhancing the customer experience and encouraging repeat business.
  • Location flexibility: Popup shops are not bound by a single location, necessitating a POS system that is equally versatile. The ability to integrate smoothly with third-party applications such as inventory management — and to do so remotely — is critical. A POS system that functions across various devices ensures that your popup can operate efficiently, irrespective of location.
  • Rapid setup and teardown: Popup shops often work within tight time constraints, so the POS system should be quick to set up and equally fast to dismantle. Look for systems that offer easy plug-and-play setup, minimal hardware requirements, and straightforward software installation to ensure your operation can move as swiftly as your business demands.
  • Reliable connectivity: Given that popup shops may be located in areas with variable internet access, a POS system with options for offline functionality is crucial. This ensures that sales can continue uninterrupted, and data can be synced once a stable connection is re-established.
  • Strong security features: Even though popup shops are temporary, they must still adhere to the same security standards as permanent retail establishments. A POS with robust security features protects sensitive customer data and helps maintain compliance with payment industry standards.
  • Customization options: Popup shops are often about creating unique experiences. A POS that offers customization can help maintain brand consistency across physical and digital touchpoints, and tailor the shopping experience to reflect the popup’s theme or concept.
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Top 10 POS for Popup Shops


ConnectPOS is the best choice for popup shop POS systems, delivering a suite of capabilities tailored to the agile and shifting demands of temporary retail setups. It prioritizes a superior customer journey and streamlines the seller’s operations, positioning it as an essential tool for expediting transactions in any popup scenario.

Key attributes of ConnectPOS that distinguish it as an optimal solution for popup store ventures include:

Customizable Integration feature: ConnectPOS boasts an exceptional integration feature, allowing seamless synchronization of data across the retail ecosystem, including inventory and online stores. This streamlined connection ensures that order management and inventory tracking are both swift and cost-efficient, ultimately elevating customer service while conserving time and resources for the retailer.

PWA Consumer App: Designed for fully automated popup stores, the PWA Consumer App by ConnectPOS is a game-changer. It empowers customers to handle self-checkout smoothly, supports multiple payment methods, securely stores customer information for future transactions, and includes safeguards against fraudulent activity.

Offline mode: Recognizing the challenge of inconsistent internet connectivity in various popup shop locations, ConnectPOS offers a robust offline mode. Retailers can process transactions without interruption, managing product viewing, cart additions, and payments as usual, with all data being stored locally until an internet connection can be re-established.

Multi-devices capabilities: ConnectPOS is designed for universal compatibility, working flawlessly across phones, tablets, or monitors. This versatility makes it an economical and portable solution, perfect for popup shops that prioritize reducing hardware costs and simplifying their tech infrastructure. With ConnectPOS, the point of sale goes wherever there’s a customer and a mobile device at hand.

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Overall, for popup shop owners seeking a comprehensive, feature-rich POS system that operates seamlessly both online and offline, ConnectPOS offers an array of tools that can significantly enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Shopify POS

If your popup shops are looking for a POS with high check-out ability, Shopify POS is more recognized as a checkout service provider than an eCommerce hosting platform. Shopify’s integration with many payment vendors, including cryptocurrency, is suitable for pop-up stores looking to maximize customer payment methods. Furthermore, Shopify’s ability to sync inventory, order, and customer data with its eCommerce website makes it a no-brainer for those already using its hosting service.

Still, Shopify is one of the only POS services that takes a 2.9% cut per transaction. As a standalone POS service, Shopify takes more time and effort to set up because the service itself is not optimized for POS-only functionalities.

To use Shopify POS, you need to use its native eCommerce platform. Otherwise, you should consider using another POS software for your popup store.


Vend is a highly-rated POS for popup stores. It’s an intuitive and easy-to-use system that doesn’t take much time to learn its functions. In addition, the system is highly flexible, allowing retailers to open any location of popup shops with features to manage merchandise and allow managers to run reports on any data stored in the system. 

For outside popup stores, the Vend POS system is uniquely appealing due to its multistore feature. It leverages process transactions by enabling staff to create and save templates of popular products to speed up checkouts. Vendors also offer tools for managing products regardless of the number of SKUs, creating and handling sales groups, and ensuring products are always available. 

If you’re looking to broaden your customer engagement beyond just making purchases at your popup shop, Vend can help you achieve that goal. With Vend, you can provide customers with a seamless shopping experience in your popup store or online store. By using Vend’s customer management tool, you can store all of your shoppers’ information in a single, unified system, making it easier to track their preferences and buying habits. Additionally, you can leverage this data to create targeted newsletters and announcements tailored to each customer’s interests and needs. With Vend, you can build strong and lasting relationships with your customers that extend beyond the walls of your popup shop.


ShopKeep is a popup POS system for food trucks. It provides customer support with live representatives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Food truck owners prefer ShopKeep because it is well-known for mobility. This POS can be accessed from any device and is particularly useful for food trucks and popup stores without fixed locations. 

Moreover, ShopKeep’s user-friendly interface is an outstanding feature. You can also tailor it to meet your popup store or food truck’s specific needs. The system can be customized to track inventory, manage staff from both online and offline stores, and generate reports.

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ShopKeep POS for popup shops helps expand their workspace by regularly updating new releases to help retailers compete with competitors in the same industry. 


eHopper is one of the few POS software with a free plan that perfectly suits pop-up stores. It is fully portable, works with any device with a web browser, and integrates easily with the Poynt payment processing solution. In addition, it also has important features suitable for a pop-up store, such as order management, order tracking, inventory, and employee management. 

With this cloud-based POS, retailers can access all business data everywhere in a single unified platform. With the popup store owners’ smaller budgets, eHopper offers a free plan that allows payment with a payment terminal, staff training, and onboarding. However, you should consider a paid plan if you must make more than 300 monthly transactions or require integration with PayPal or online payment gateways. 

The omnichannel plan of eHopper provides better integration options if you need a scalable POS that integrates with QuickBooks, Paypal, or payment methods. eHopper is the right choice for retailers with small budgets or do not rely much on online sales.


Revel is a POS for popup shops with great mobile functionality. It also has reporting features such as aggregating business activity data, customer data, inventory, and sales data into one dashboard so users can get the insights they need in seconds. Additionally, it helps stores with inventory tracking, shipping management, and even the ability to coordinate customer relationship management (CRM). 



Square is the right POS for popup shops because of its flexibility. This system intelligently sets up your pop-up store, and it’s designed to keep your stores connected seamlessly with built-in tools for advanced inventory, sales, and employee management.


Lightspeed simplifies complex operation workflows and helps your pop-up store scale. This system allows your stores to manage products, orders, and inventory. It also helps track the offer and customer experience.


OmniPOS is the perfect POS system for popup shops, with powerful and easy-to-use features that simplify business management. This system helps you to maintain a steady flow of business from customers. With an easy-to-setup solution, you can seamlessly migrate your pop-up store and handle all payments from any location, ensuring every transaction is recorded and tracked. 

Abacus POS

Abacus POS is a suitable system for pop-up stores to run their in-store operations neatly. This system enhances the customer experience at pop-up stores by eliminating the need for customers to wait at checkout counters. In addition, it supports retailers in updating products and managing their business activities.

Selecting the Right POS for Your Popup Shop

The POS systems highlighted above each contribute to enhancing the consumer experience in popup retail settings. However, in recognizing the specific hurdles that popup selling presents for retailers, ConnectPOS emerges as the top recommendation. It’s well-appointed with features designed for the popup context: a user-oriented app, versatile functionality across electronic devices in both online and offline settings, and comprehensive omnichannel support that ensures efficient data synchronization.

Contact us for a tailored solution that will transform your popup store’s operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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