When do Christmas Sales Start and What to Expect in 2024? ConnectPOS Content Creator September 5, 2023

When do Christmas Sales Start and What to Expect in 2024?

Christmas sales 2023

When do Christmas sales start? This age-old question signals the arrival of a thrilling season for both shoppers and businesses. In this article, we not only unveil the timeline for the start of Christmas sales but also delve into what to expect in 2024. From cutting-edge trends in personalized shopping experiences to the promise of robust retail growth, we will explore the factors that will shape the Christmas sales landscape. Get ready for a festive shopping adventure brimming with irresistible offers and holiday cheer.

When Do Christmas Sales Start?

Christmas sales typically start in the weeks leading up to Christmas Day, which falls on December 25th. In many countries, Christmas sales begin as early as late November, right after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, and continue through December. Retailers and online stores offer discounts, promotions, and special offers during this period to attract holiday shoppers and boost their sales. 

Some retailers even kick off their Christmas sales on “Black Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving, which has become synonymous with major shopping events and significant discounts. Additionally, “Cyber Monday,” the Monday following Thanksgiving, is another popular day for online retailers to offer exclusive deals and discounts for Christmas shoppers.

In recent years, the trend of early Christmas sales has become more pronounced, with some stores starting their promotions even before Thanksgiving. This extended sales period helps retailers manage inventory better and gives shoppers more time to find the best deals.

What to Expect in Christmas Sales 2024?

U.S. consumers defied inflation to ring in a solid 2023 holiday shopping season, driven by a strong appetite for beauty products, apparel, and electronics that led to a 3.8% rise in sales. Holiday sales across both brick-and-mortar and online channels rose to $964.4 billion during the November through December period (Reuters). This robust consumer spending trend indicates a promising outlook for the 2024 holiday shopping season.

Emphasis on Personalization for Enhanced Experiences

In the 2024 Christmas sales, retailers are set to prioritize personalization to offer customers more engaging and tailored shopping experiences. By leveraging customer data and advanced analytics, businesses can customize product recommendations, targeted promotions, and personalized offers based on individual preferences and past purchase history. This level of personalization will increase customer satisfaction and foster stronger brand loyalty.

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Next-gen Point of Sales (POS) systems with advanced self-checkout features will play a crucial role in delivering this personalization. Self-service POS systems have become key drivers in personalizing the customer experience while simultaneously boosting sales in the retail landscape. Self-checkout systems not only empower customers but also offer significant relief to merchants during peak seasons.

By putting control directly into the hands of shoppers, these self-service solutions provide a highly efficient and low-friction experience, greatly reducing congestion and wait times at traditional checkout lanes during peak seasons like Christmas sales. This streamlined process alleviates the stress and bottlenecks often associated with high-traffic shopping periods, making it a game-changer for retailers.

An Upgraded POS System for Immersive Shopping

In preparation for the 2024 Christmas sales season, retailers increasingly recognize the imperative of upgrading their Point-of-Sale (POS) systems to deliver immersive shopping experiences during significant events like Christmas. These upgrades are motivated by a desire to create a shopping journey beyond the ordinary, where customers are not merely making transactions but immersing themselves in a memorable experience. Omnichannel POS systems empower retailers to achieve this goal by offering features such as interactive displays, personalized product recommendations, and swift checkout options.

Omnichannel POS solutions, like ConnectPOS, go beyond traditional transaction processing by integrating multiple programs. They make an all-in-one POS that unifies everything a merchant needs, from accounting and payment to inventory management and managing multiple stores with ease. This expansive integration allows multi-country merchants to localize their sales efforts and financial management seamlessly.

Moreover, ConnectPOS eases the stress of peak seasons like Christmas sales with its integrated support for loyalty programs such as Loyalty Lion and Aheadworks. This translates to effortless customer engagement and rewards management, making the shopping journey both in physical stores and online smoother and more enjoyable. These forward-thinking integrations enhance customer satisfaction and significantly reduce operational pressures, ensuring that retailers can confidently navigate the frenzied demands of the busiest shopping seasons while maintaining peak performance and efficiency.

Merchants can substantially elevate their sales and profitability by capturing the holiday spirit and the heightened shopping fervor that accompanies events like Christmas. Customers delighted by immersive shopping experiences are more likely to make impulse purchases, add extra items to their carts, and return for future shopping. Furthermore, modern POS systems ensure efficiency and speed, a crucial advantage during peak seasons, as they process transactions swiftly and reduce waiting times.

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Anticipate Limited-Time Offers and Flash Deals

As with previous years, Christmas sales in 2024 will be characterized by an abundance of limited-time offers and flash deals. Retailers will entice customers with exclusive discounts on popular products, time-sensitive promotions, and one-day-only sales events. Consumers can expect to find attractive deals on a wide range of items, from electronics and fashion to home goods and more.

In the bigger picture, Christmas sales in 2024 are set to elevate the shopping experience to new heights. Through the use of innovative technology, retailers aim to create unforgettable memories for their valued customers by catering to individual preferences. In response to this heightened demand, ConnectPOS stands out by offering a diverse array of discount rules, including enticing options like “buy X, get Y,” group discounts, and bundled sales. ConnectPOS is appealing because its user-friendly interface allows these discounts to be effortlessly configured within the POS system.

Moreover, the seamless synchronization with the eCommerce platforms favored by merchants ensures that these special deals are attractive to customers and manageable for retailers. This synergy between ConnectPOS and eCommerce platforms enhances the overall shopping journey, enabling merchants to cater to their customers’ holiday desires with ease and finesse.

Sustainable and Ethical Shopping

A growing number of consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases. A recent study points out that by 2023, 45% of shoppers considered a brand’s sustainability practices before making Christmas purchases. In response, many retailers are expected to emphasize sustainable and ethical shopping options during the 2024 Christmas sales. This includes offering products that are eco-friendly, made from recycled materials, or ethically sourced. Businesses will likely highlight their sustainability initiatives and ethical practices to attract this increasingly aware and concerned customer base.

Retailers might also implement programs that allow customers to contribute to environmental causes, such as planting trees or supporting clean water projects with each purchase. Brands that transparently share their sustainability efforts and offer eco-conscious alternatives will likely see increased loyalty and sales from environmentally and socially conscious consumers.

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Enhanced Mobile Shopping Experience

As mobile shopping continues to gain popularity, providing an enhanced mobile shopping experience will be critical for retailers during the 2024 Christmas sales. This holiday season, mobile hit a new milestone with 51.1% of online sales coming through smartphones (up from 47% in 2022), according to adobe commerce pos. Consumers increasingly use their smartphones to browse, compare prices, and make purchases on the go. Retailers must ensure that their mobile apps and websites are optimized for a seamless, user-friendly experience.

This includes features like easy navigation, fast loading times, secure payment options, and mobile-specific promotions. Integrating augmented reality (AR) can also enhance the mobile shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase. By improving the mobile shopping experience, retailers can capture the growing segment of shoppers who prefer the convenience of buying from their mobile devices.

Omnichannel Shopping Experience

Creating a cohesive omnichannel shopping experience will be a pivotal strategy for retailers during the 2024 Christmas sales. An omnichannel approach ensures that customers have a consistent and integrated experience across all shopping platforms, whether in-store, online, or via mobile. This seamless integration can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Retailers can achieve this by synchronizing their inventory, promotions, and customer data across all channels. Features such as buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS), and flexible return options can provide customers with greater convenience and flexibility. Additionally, leveraging data from various channels can help retailers deliver personalized marketing and product recommendations, further enhancing the shopping experience.

By focusing on these aspects – sustainable and ethical shopping, an enhanced mobile shopping experience, and a cohesive omnichannel approach – retailers can meet the evolving expectations of consumers and drive success during the 2024 Christmas sales season.


The anticipation surrounding the question, “When do Christmas sales start?” heralds an exciting shopping season ahead. As we look forward to 2024, both retailers and shoppers can expect a festive atmosphere brimming with enticing offers and discounts. The rising trend of personalized shopping experiences and the impressive retail growth witnessed in previous years suggest a promising and prosperous Christmas sales season on the horizon.

Contact ConnectPOS today to learn how our advanced POS system can transform your retail operations and ensure a successful 2024 Christmas sales season. Let’s make this holiday season your most prosperous yet!

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