When Is Black Friday 2024? Mark Your Retail Calendar! ConnectPOS Content Creator October 25, 2023

When Is Black Friday 2024? Mark Your Retail Calendar!

When Is Black Friday 2023

Half of the year has passed, and as a retailer, it’s now time to start strategizing for the biggest shopping event of the year. Knowing precisely “When is Black Friday 2024” can make or break your holiday season success. This article not only reveals the exact date of Black Friday 2024 but also provides insights on how to align your retail calendar effectively. Get ready to optimize your promotions, ramp up your marketing efforts, and ensure your e-commerce platform can handle the rush. Let’s dive in and prepare to make the most of this pivotal retail opportunity.

Comprehending The Significance Of Black Friday In The Retail Sector

Black Friday began as a post-Thanksgiving shopping event in the United States, marking the start of the holiday shopping season. It initially gained popularity in the 1960s, when retailers first noticed a surge in sales the day after Thanksgiving.

Over the decades, Black Friday has evolved from a single-day event into a multi-day shopping extravaganza. It now includes Cyber Monday and extends through the entire Cyber Week, making it a significant period for both in-store and online shopping.

Economic Impact

Sales Statistics from Previous Years

The influence of Black Friday is evident in its sales numbers. In 2023, over 200 million people participated in shopping across the Black Friday weekend. US consumers spent $9.8 billion on Black Friday alone, surpassing Cyber Monday at $12.4 billion. Online spending during Cyber Week reached a record high of $38 billion.

Influence on the Retail Economy

These figures highlight Black Friday’s crucial role in the retail economy. It provides retailers with a golden opportunity to boost sales, clear surplus inventory, and attract new customers. The event’s economic impact is not confined to the US; it has become a global phenomenon, with retailers worldwide adopting Black Friday promotions.

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Consumer Behavior

Shopping Trends and Statistics

Consumers eagerly anticipate Black Friday, planning their purchases well in advance to take advantage of the best deals. The event has seen a consistent increase in online shopping, with more people opting for the convenience of e-commerce platforms. Smartphones continued to reign supreme, with 59% of sales on Thanksgiving Day and 51.8% of Cyber Week sales happening on mobile devices.

Changes in Consumer Expectations

Black Friday has also shifted consumer expectations, with shoppers now expecting significant discounts and exclusive offers. While online shopping boomed, in-store traffic was quieter than in previous years. Still, 68% of US shoppers planned to shop online, and 27% planned to shop in-store. Retailers must adapt to these heightened expectations by offering compelling promotions and ensuring a seamless online and in-store shopping experience.

When Is Black Friday 2024?

Black Friday in 2024 falls on November 29th. Celebrated the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, which is the fourth Thursday of November, this date marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season.

However, Black Friday’s influence extends far beyond U.S. borders. Retailers in various countries also participate, offering deals and discounts to shoppers on or around this date.

Retailers should start planning months in advance. This includes organizing inventory, planning marketing campaigns, and ensuring website readiness for increased traffic.


Key Elements Of A Successful Black Friday Marketing Campaign

Besides knowing when is Black Friday 2024, retailers should focus on key factors for a successful campaign. A triumphant Black Friday marketing campaign hinges on a harmonious fusion of essential elements, creating an immersive and compelling shopping experience for your clientele.

  • Understanding Your Target Audience

Demographics and Psychographics: Understand who your customers are, including their age, gender, interests, and shopping behaviors. This helps tailor your campaigns to resonate with them.
Customer Segmentation and Targeting: Segment your audience based on their purchasing habits and preferences. Personalized marketing messages can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

  • Creating a Unique Value Proposition
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Differentiating Your Offers from Competitors: Ensure your deals stand out from the crowd. Highlight what makes your offers unique, whether it’s product quality, pricing, or exclusive features.
Importance of Exclusive Deals and Limited-Time Offers: Black Friday is synonymous with incredible deals. Create a sense of urgency with limited-time discounts, enticing bundle deals, or free shipping to lure customers into making a purchase.

  • Captivating Storytelling

Connect deeply with your audience by conveying your brand’s value and product offerings through storytelling. Use emotive language, captivating visuals, and a compelling call to action to drive engagement.

  • Multi-Channel Approach

Use email, social media, search engine optimization, and paid advertising to cast a wide net and amplify your campaign’s reach. A multi-channel approach ensures you reach customers wherever they are.

  • Clear and Transparent Offers

Make your offers clear, understandable, and prominently displayed on your website’s landing pages. This is crucial as consumers will navigate multiple websites during Black Friday.

  • Adequate Budget Allocation

Black Friday’s competitive nature requires a sufficient budget. Be ready for higher costs per click (CPC) and costs per thousand (CPM). Ensure you have the financial resources to accommodate the surge in demand.

  • Leverage Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Showcase positive reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility. Potential customers are more likely to purchase when they see others have had a positive experience.

Harnessing Performance Marketing Strategies For Black Friday Triumph

To achieve a successful Black Friday campaign, retailers must harness performance marketing strategies that drive engagement and sales.

Crafting Compelling Black Friday Offers And Promotions

Types of Promotions
Utilize various types of promotions to attract different segments of your audience. Offer discounts, bundles, and flash sales to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate purchases.

Effective Pricing Strategies
Strategically price your products to maximize conversions while maintaining profitability. Consider psychological pricing, such as pricing items just below a round number (e.g., $49.99 instead of $50), to make deals more appealing.

Enhancing Your E-Commerce Website For Black Friday Influx

Website Performance and Speed Optimization
Ensure your website can handle increased traffic by optimizing its performance and speed. A slow website can lead to lost sales, so use tools like caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and image optimization to enhance loading times.

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User Experience and Mobile Optimization
Provide a seamless user experience by ensuring your website is easy to navigate. Optimize for mobile devices, as a significant percentage of shoppers will use smartphones. Simplify the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment.

Amplifying Black Friday Reach Through Social Media Strategies

Social Media Campaigns and Advertising
Leverage social media platforms to run targeted campaigns and ads. Use eye-catching visuals and compelling copy to grab attention. Schedule posts to build anticipation and keep your audience engaged.

Leveraging Influencers and User-Generated Content
Collaborate with influencers to reach a broader audience. Encourage your customers to share their purchases and experiences on social media, using a dedicated hashtag to amplify your reach and create a sense of community.

Tracking And Analyzing Black Friday Campaign Performance

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Monitor
Monitor essential KPIs such as conversion rates, average order value, customer acquisition cost, and return on ad spend. These metrics will help you understand your campaign’s effectiveness and areas for improvement.

Tools and Techniques for Real-Time Analytics
Analytics tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and specialized e-commerce analytics platforms can be used to track performance in real time. Analyze data continuously to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns on the fly.

Leveraging ConnectPOS for Seamless Operations

Unified Sales Channels
helps unify your online and in-store sales channels, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers. This integration is crucial during high-traffic events like Black Friday.

Real-Time Inventory Management
With ConnectPOS, you can manage inventory in real time, preventing stockouts and ensuring you meet customer demand efficiently. This feature is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction during peak shopping periods.


Mark your calendar for when is Black Friday 2024—November 29th. This date is your gateway to holiday shopping success. Prepare to offer irresistible deals, captivate customers, and harness the full potential of this retail extravaganza. With the right strategies, Black Friday can transform your business.

Ready to dive deeper into these tactics or have questions? Reach out to us and let’s make this Black Friday unforgettable!

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