Black Friday ideas for E-commerce: 7 Effective retail promotion tips ConnectPOS Content Creator September 8, 2023

Black Friday ideas for E-commerce: 7 Effective retail promotion tips

Black Friday ideas for E-commerce

Here comes the most pivotal and exciting times for most retailers: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Maybe we’ve all heard the stories of big box retailers who even make 50% of their annual revenue during these few days. How can you create a successful holiday promotion? Let’s take a look at our list of 7 marketing tips to be prepared for upcoming big days, and what ConnectPOS is offering to you this holiday season.

Shoppers never get tired of sales and discounts!!!

One way to make Black Friday and Cyber Monday more exciting is to create a Flash sale or Deal of the Hour. It will be a surprise to your customers and especially suitable for high-traffic stores. Change the wording mark of “sale price” or “discount price” into “Black Friday deal” or “Holiday sale” to make it more special and alluring.

Want to make this tactic smarter? Why don’t announce promotions with a sticky header bar that remains on the site as the shoppers scroll down. The bar will grab customers’ attention and remind them all the time about the special discount promotion while doing nothing to disrupt their shopping flow. It will also urge their curiosity to click and see the inside deals. Once they click the flash sale banner, you’ve got one step closer to success.

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Mystery gifts

It is true that everyone wants some kind of free gift. But if you think that giving away gifts is quite old and boring, you can create a little more surprise and excitement by using a tool like Zambula which allows to add scratch cards or peel-it offers and other interactive experiences to your stores. What fun to bring customers to a game to discover their own gifts and discounts. This also helps to keep them in your store a bit longer.

Go deeper for your VIP customers

If you have a loyalty program or brand clubs, make sure to make your best customers feel special by offering them exclusive discounts or benefits during the holiday. At the end of the day, they are the one who are more likely to buy your products and to also repeat their purchase even after the holiday. It means that they can keep you profitable in the long term, not just the holiday alone. So treat them special!

Raise the excitement with sneak peeks

One key to having a successful holiday is to be prepared and create positive brand awareness BEFORE the biggest shopping days arrive. Many merchants now invest in marketing videos since customers who view videos seem to be twice as likely to purchase as those who don’t. It can be a video or slideshow of products that will be on sale, together with a mention of upcoming deals and discounts. Use this video as a sneak peek at social media channels to keep customers engaged and follow your updated Black Friday news.

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If it is not about price, why not about customer experience?

While everyone is talking about “dropping” prices, if you don’t want to give away your bottom line, think about giving your customers a better experience. Extending warranty periods, free shipping or faster delivery can be good ideas to make customers feel full and satisfied with shopping during such a busy holiday period.

Don’t forget word-of-mouth

Word-of-mouth, or social influence, is one of the primary reasons that lead to buying behavior. It is fantastic to have your customers and advocates act as your marketing officers. You can work with influencers, create a refer-to-friend campaign, or hold a contest in which the more people participate, the bigger the prizes will be, in order to generate more buzz and traffic.

Ensure your site performance!

If you have already done all the above ideas, make sure that your sites are ready to greet a great number of “impatient” customers and a great shopping volume. Without a quick, reliable and stable system, you can lose a lot of loyal customers during peak times. Also, keep your data updated in real-time to best serve both online and offline customers.

What are Black Friday hot deals from ConnectPOS?

ConnectPOS is the best omnichannel POS for Magento which can help you easily create orders and accept payments in your physical stores, while at the same time fully and immediately synchronizing all the data to your Magento website. This holiday, ConnectPOS is offering a Coupon code of 35% for any retailer that book a demo from 19 November to 30 November. The coupon code is valid until 31 December 2018.

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To help stores deliver seamless customer experiences, ConnectPOS never stops doing research and releasing advanced features that would make ConnectPOS a future of retail tool. One of them is the PWA in-store consumer app that allows customers to quickly search, buy or preorder items from physical stores without the need to download the retailers’ app. Another exciting upcoming feature is Facial Recognition and Product Recognition in order to improve customer experiences and interaction with sales assistants at physical stores.

So far ConnectPOS is optimized for multistore environments. Shop owners can easily open new stores or register with a click, and can have centralized management over all the stores. Especially, since it is built independently of Magento, ConnectPOS is way faster and more stable than competitors. With the ConnectPOS solution, you can be relieved if your physical stores are going to welcome a great number of customers this Black Friday and Cyber Monday holiday. Moreover, we are expanding our Local Representative Support network, not just from Vietnam but also from different countries. All in all, ConnectPOS can be your “right-hand man” to become successful during the upcoming busy holiday. Don’t forget to book a demo from 19/11 to 30/11 to take advantage of the coupon code of 35%.

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