The revolution of big data is changing how we live Huong Vu October 16, 2023

The revolution of big data is changing how we live

The revolution of big data is changing how we live

It is unsurprising that over the past years, we have seen an incredible boost in the entire information volume accessible. That is why the topic of big data has become on-trend. The revolution of big information has had great impacts. What are they? Read this article for the answer.

What influences does big data have on the research process?

As you may know, there have been changes originating from the technological advances, for example, the IoT presence and the Internet predominance. This entire progress has transformed the production of information. With big information, firms tend to find themselves wondering how to do with it. They often ask questions such as “What are my goods’ top-rated characteristics?”, “How do my shoppers make decisions?”, and so on. But you should note that with technological advances, there are some adjustments to their inquiries. For instance:

  • What are the impacts of the Internet on purchase decision-making?
  • Where do my former purchasers shop online? 
  • How does the use of smartphones and social medias impact my sales?

You now can access far better and richer information as well as experience tech-related revolution. There are such changes but, at the end of the day, you are doing your best to know your shoppers, discover new chances, as well as decrease decision-making risks. You also aim at gaining deep insights. The final purpose is to guarantee the growth of your business. 

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Declarative data vs Behavioral data

Declarative data

Declarative data means times when people being studied are in charge of giving the data actively. 

Main characteristics: 

  • Affordability
  • Flexibility (capable of getting applied to practically any research concern)
  • Having to do with memory failures
  • Based on social and cognitive desirability inclination

Behavioral data

Behavioral data means times when people do not take a proactive part in giving data gathered on them.

Main characteristics:

  • Not affordable
  • Rigidness (various behavioral information gathering approaches are likely necessary for various research concerns)
  • Not having to do with memory failure
  • No considerable susceptibility to self-reporting inclination

The tips on using data 

Use behavioral data when you can

We recommend you use behavioral information when you can. According to some studies, behavioral information is better than declarative information. Individuals have difficulty reporting previous activities. Also, reporting online activities is very hard. That is because these happen in a context that is often quite vague. Also, individuals likely report information without accuracy. Such information is more beneficial for them to build a good self-image.

Craft the big data collection to suit a particular research concern

For your information, the collection of behavioral information does not have power all the time. Therefore, we recommend you craft it to suit a particular research concern.

Utilize technology

Behavioral information solutions were costly in the past, but current changes have benefited us. Gathering big information is not very hard. For example, you can now easily use the Internet to do that.

In conclusion, big data is crucial for your firm’s decision-makers. For more information, contact us.

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