How to set up Bigcommerce Multi Store Huong Vu October 10, 2023

How to set up Bigcommerce Multi Store

How to set up Bigcommerce Multi Store

BigCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform that enables businesses to sell products online easily. It offers various features to create an online store, but one of the most beneficial features is its ability to manage multiple stores from a single platform. In this article, we will discuss what BigCommerce multi store is, how to set them up, and the advantages of having multiple stores on this platform.

What is BigCommerce Multi Store?

BigCommerce multi store is essentially multiple storefronts that are managed from a single BigCommerce account. These storefronts can have different designs, products, pricing, and payment options. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that want to expand their online presence without creating separate websites for each product line or geographic location.

Some of the key features of BigCommerce multi store include:

  • Customizable storefronts: Each storefront can have its own unique design, branding, and product offerings.
  • Shared inventory: Businesses can manage inventory across all their stores from a central location, ensuring that stock levels are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Centralized management: With Multi Store, businesses can manage all their stores from a single dashboard, making it easier to monitor performance and make updates.
  • Regional pricing and shipping: Businesses can set up different pricing and shipping options for each store, based on the region it serves.
  • Seamless integration: BigCommerce multi store seamlessly integrates with a wide range of third-party apps and tools, making it easy to add new functionality as needed.
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How to set up BigCommerce Multi Store?

To set up this multi-store, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Sign up for a BigCommerce account.
  • Step 2: Once you have signed up, go to the “Store Setup” section and click on “Create a New Store.”
  • Step 3: You will be prompted to fill in details about your new store, such as the store name, URL, and currency.
  • Step 4: Next, choose a template for your new store. BigCommerce offers several templates to choose from, or you can customize your own.
  • Step 5: Once you have selected a template, you can start customizing your new store. Add products, set up payment options, and configure shipping settings.
  • Step 6: Repeat these steps to create additional stores. You can manage all your stores from a single dashboard.

Advantages of having BigCommerce Multi Store

There are several advantages to having this multi-store:

Increased visibility

By creating multiple stores, you can expand your online presence and reach more customers. This is particularly useful if you want to target customers in different geographic locations or offer different product lines.

Better management

Managing multiple stores from a single dashboard is more efficient and cost-effective than managing multiple websites. You can easily update products, pricing, and payment options across all your stores.

Increased sales

By targeting specific customer segments with tailored product lines and pricing, you can increase sales and revenue. This is particularly useful if you want to offer discounts or promotions to specific customers.

Improved SEO

By creating multiple stores with specific product lines and geographic locations, you can improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and increase your search engine rankings. This is because each store will have its unique content and URL.

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BigCommerce multi store offers a powerful solution for businesses that want to expand their online presence without creating separate websites for each product line or geographic location. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up multiple stores and take advantage of the many benefits this feature offers. Whether you want to increase sales, improve SEO, or simply streamline your online presence, BigCommerce multi-store can help you achieve your goals. Contact us if you want to consult about this function.

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