Good practices in the adoption of e invoicing in Europe Huong Vu October 13, 2023

Good practices in the adoption of e invoicing in Europe

Good practices in the adoption of e invoicing in Europe

An electronic invoice is one that has been issued and received in any electronic format and contains the data mandated. It includes more than simply a picture of a bill. In the implementation of e invoicing, a good practice is simply doing things that have been proven to work or be successful and that are in accordance with the relevant business and legal rules.

ConnectPOS will show you several beneficial methods for e invoicing adoption in Europe in this post.

Dynamic and context-specific

The definitions of good practice in adopting e invoicing needed to be flexible to prevent the elimination of promising practices that have not yet produced results or whose returns depend on adopting other commercial or policy practices. 

Europe researchers group emphasized the need to define good practice specifically for a given context rather than a general one; one private sector expert went on to add that good practice examples of e invoicing must take into account the business partners involved and the effects on internal processes.

Behavior change, not just products or processes

The phrase “simply doing things” has been criticized for being unclear and underestimating the degree of behavioral change required for good practice in the adoption of e-invoicing; this would imply that the actual business process constitutes only a small portion of good practice. 

One service provider recommended elevating e-invoicing to the position of a public utility, if not in terms of public provision then at least in terms of it being a part of the national business infrastructure. This was referred to as “good practice.” 

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A private sector expert and a government organization all agreed that the definition of good practice places too much emphasis on “front-office” adoption and too little on integration with the rest of the company.

Be good for business

One service provider emphasized the need for a minimum degree of supplier onboarding before any commercial operation could be considered a “good practice.” Two national forums, a service provider, two advocacy groups, a professional from the private sector, and a government body all recommended that effective methods must result in measurable cost or time savings for enterprises for e-invoicing. 

Others expanded the list of recipients to include tax officials and citizens. Affordable Ness and simplicity of (re)use were mentioned as components of excellent practices at a national meeting. Reliability, according to one service provider, should be a prerequisite for actions to be considered “good practice.”

 Cross borders

Two experts from the business sector and one national forum emphasized the need to give definitions of good practice an EU-wide scope while also giving special regard to behaviors that promote compliance and cross-border trade. One provider of services emphasized e-invoicing the necessity to guarantee comparable integration advantages across administrative areas of different countries.


The adoption of e-invoicing is undoubtedly linked to a variety of advantages. Nevertheless, the procedure presents a wide range of difficulties, based on the unique characteristics of the organization or business involved.

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