Everything You Should Know About HandHeld POS Terminal ConnectPOS Content Creator September 28, 2023

Everything You Should Know About HandHeld POS Terminal

HandHeld POS Termina

Besides POS software, hardware is also an important part of a complete POS system. There are many POS terminals you may need for your stores including barcode scanners, receipt printers, cash registers, etc. And the topic for today is the handheld POS terminal. More than giving you basic information about handheld POS terminals but also some reliable vendors in the market.

What is a handheld POS terminal?

Simply put, the handheld POS terminal or also known as mobile terminal is a portal and wireless device used for processing card payments. In fact, handheld terminals are not all about processing card payments but also recording transactions and printing receipts. 

Handheld POS terminals are connected with your POS systems and all data will be synchronized between two factors constantly.

How does a handheld POS terminal benefit your stores?

Handheld POS terminals will minimize waiting and queuing times customers may have to spend at the checkout counter. And of course, convenience is a key factor that influences customer satisfaction in your stores. This type of POS hardware also supports retail staff to be more flexible and stay close to customers during your store’s shopping journey. 

Handheld POS hardware is more simple and cost-effective compared to traditional POS systems. To illustrate, a typical traditional POS system may cost businesses around $1,500 extra for purchasing cash drawers and receipt printers. This cost does not include fees charged by credit card service providers. On the contrary, mobile POS saves a considerable amount of money since the system that leverages apps on your mobile device makes it more convenient by offering a single rate.

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Top 3 handheld POS terminal vendors in the market

First Data POS Terminal

First Data is a financial services company in the US who has developed and provided payment processing products since 1971. This company is reported to have supported more than 5.3 million store locations and processed more than 30 billion transactions annually. First Data provides several POS terminals, each of which fit a particular business group with particular requirements.  Yet, in general, all of First Data handheld terminals are priced reasonably. 


Ingenico was founded in France and soon became an expert in providing the technology involved in payment processing. Ingenico provides many different payment terminals from basic to advanced ones. Products from Ingenico are well-known for their user-friendly interface, convenience, security, and simplicity.

PAX Technology

PAX Technology is a Chinese-based manufacturer of payment terminals and other POS hardware. Until 2019, PAX has provided POS terminals for more than 45 million stores in over 120 countries.  In practice, PAX handheld hardware has a featherweight and elegant design. 

POS products from this company allow your staff to take payment anywhere within your stores quickly and securely, which can enhance your POS products. 

Bottom line,

In such a competitive retail market, customer experience in brick and mortar stores can make or break your business. And adopting technology is one of the most effective ways to improve in-store services and stay competitive in the market quickly.

Our ConnectPOS solution is able to work well with the majority of POS hardware in the market, specifically handheld POS terminals. If you still have any problems finding a POS software or hardware provider, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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