What is unified commerce? ConnectPOS Content Creator October 14, 2023

What is unified commerce?

unified commerce

Customer experience has never failed to be significant. A study from PWC showed that more than 40% of shoppers would be willing to spend more money for a satisfactory service experience. Also, according to this study, over 50% would agree to pay more for quicker and more practical commerce experience. That is why, as a retail business, you should use the strategy related to unified commerce. What is it? What are its benefits and how to ace it? Check out below for the answer.

What is unified commerce?

Unified commerce is practically one software or platform enabling you to interact with all the dots in your operations. It is fine to consider unified commerce as the word employed to specify a software solution that can connect every one of your retail stocks and customer info from the whole sales department. For example, with it, you can integrate a lot of blocks into a single one. These include marketing, sales channels (socials, websites, shops, etc.), customer service, accounting, payment procedure, order control, stock control, logistics, content management systems, enterprise resource planning), insights and reporting, etc.

Advantages of Unified Commerce


Flexibility is a valuable attribute that allows individuals, organizations, and systems to adapt and respond to change with grace and efficiency. In both personal and professional contexts, it fosters resilience and the ability to navigate the uncertainties of our dynamic world. Flexibility is the capacity to modify plans, strategies, or behaviors as circumstances evolve without losing sight of long-term goals.

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It empowers businesses to pivot in response to market shifts and technological advancements, employees to embrace new challenges, and individuals to balance the demands of their personal and professional lives. Whether it’s an adaptive work culture, a malleable skill set, or an open-minded attitude, flexibility enables us to thrive in an ever-changing environment, fostering innovation and progress.

Interaction monitoring

Interaction monitoring, an integral practice in various domains, involves systematically observing and analyzing interactions between individuals, systems, or entities. It serves multifaceted purposes like quality control and compliance in customer service or regulated industries like healthcare and finance. Interaction monitoring is pivotal in enhancing performance by providing valuable insights for training, development, and performance evaluation.

Whether it’s analyzing customer interactions to maintain service standards or healthcare professionals adhering to industry-specific regulations, this practice empowers organizations to maintain high-quality interactions, ensuring a seamless and compliant experience for both customers and clients while supporting continuous improvement and growth.

Real-time updates

With unified commerce, the update process of item information at every level of the platform becomes faster and simpler than ever. That also means your purchases can access relevant info all the time. 

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Customized recommendations

Customized recommendations are personalized suggestions or advice tailored to an individual’s specific needs, preferences, or behavior. In today’s data-driven digital age, these recommendations are common in various online platforms and services, from e-commerce websites to streaming services and social media. Advanced algorithms analyze a user’s historical interactions, such as past purchases, viewed content, or social connections, to generate recommendations that cater to their unique tastes.

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This personalized approach enhances user experiences and serves businesses and content providers by increasing engagement, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction. Customized recommendations leverage the power of data and machine learning to deliver content, products, or services that resonate with the individual, ultimately contributing to a more seamless and enjoyable online journey.

ConnectPOS Can Help You Ace Unified Commerce

ConnectPOS is among the best POS providers. Many retail merchants suggest using the ConnectPOS system as the foundation for the unified commerce approach. And here are a few notable features of this solution:

  • Real-time synchronization between the stocks and point of sale software
  • Control of multiple warehouses and multiple stores
  • AI tech. We mean AI facial detection, customer screen with high interactivity, and PWA Consumer Application. 
  • Working well with many devices including tablets, mobile phones, computers, and so on. 
  • Click-and-collect features. These enable shoppers to make online purchases and pick them up in shops.
  • No additional fee when you use 3rd-party paying gateways.

In short

Hopefully, this post has given you helpful information about unified commerce. Unified commerce has everything to do with helping the balance between goods, information, customers, and staff through one platform. It is now over to you to determine the most suitable basis for this strategy, for example, ConnectPOS. For any related questions, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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