Top 5 Payment Gateways For WooCommerce ConnectPOS Content Creator October 1, 2023

Top 5 Payment Gateways For WooCommerce

Payment Gateways For WooCommerce

If you use WooCommerce to sell your products and services online, you should make an important decision that will directly impact your online sales. It is to choose a payment gateway for your online shop. Choosing one may be challenging because a payment gateway is so important for eCommerce. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 payment gateways for WooCommerce that you may be interested in.

WooCommerce Payments

WooCommerce Payments is the payment solution provided by WooCommerce itself. It gives your shop a better checkout experience and a fully integrated payment gateway. However, this payment gateway is currently only available to merchants situated in the United States that sell items in US dollars.

For U.S.-issued cards, it has a pay-as-you-go charge structure of 2.9 percent + $0.30 per transaction. For cards issued outside of the United States, there is an additional 1% charge. As a result, it is slightly more expensive than other options.


Stripe is one of the most popular payment gateways for WooCommerce. It is widely used to the point that WooCommerce has built-in support for using Stripe as a payment processor.

With Stripe, store owners can accept all major credit and debit cards. Other digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Alipay are also supported. Customers can stay on your website during the checkout process, and it works well on both mobile and desktop.

Unlike WooCommerce Payments, Stripe is available in over 40 countries and accepts over 135 different currencies. Stripe does not charge any setup or yearly fees, however, they do charge 2.9 percent + 30 percent each transaction.

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PayPal is one of the Internet’s oldest payment services, and as a result, it is widely used. In short, PayPal is a one-stop online payment gateway. Users give them access to all of their credit cards, bank accounts, and mailing addresses, which makes them ready to shop at your store.

For the Standard PayPal plugin for WooCommerce, a PayPal business account is required. It does not provide an on-site checkout experience, so your clients will be transferred to the PayPal website to finish their transactions

There are no setup or cancellation costs with PayPal Pro, but there is a $30 monthly charge plus a 2.9 percent + 30 cents per transaction fee. For this option, customers remain on your site during the checkout process instead of being redirected to PayPal to finish checkout or authorize payments.


Authorize.Net is one of the most well-known WooCommerce payment gateways that is trusted by companies in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia.

The Authorize.Net for WooCommerce plugin gives customers with credit cards a smooth checkout experience. While the transaction is securely completed in the background on Authorize.Net servers, customers do not have to leave your website.

For WooCommerce Subscriptions, the plugin also allows recurring payments. It is user-friendly and allows consumers to keep and reuse their payment methods.


Available in more than 200 countries, 2Checkout accepts payments from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, and Discover. The payment gateway has a robust API that allows you to integrate it with a variety of carts, including WooCommerce.

Moreover, 2Checkout is also compatible with mobile devices. It allows you to adjust the interface and design to your company’s identity. The payment processor supports 29 languages and takes payments in 100 different currencies.

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2Checkout charges a fee of 3.5 percent + $0.35 for each successful transaction. You’ll be able to take payments from over 200 countries and 100 currencies with this package.


This blog has explained the top WooCommerce payment gateways that aim to make the payment procedure as simple as possible for consumers. Depending on the conditions of the market sector and goals, the answer may differ from one retailer to the next.

Before we end this blog, we have good news for those who are looking for a powerful POS system supporting the above-mentioned payment gateways. We proudly introduced ConnectPOS, a POS plugin available on WooCommerce. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested, or start a free trial without any additional fee.

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